Woke up this morning with nothing on the calendar, an unusual occurrence. The weather here in Danville, CA was forecast to be around 81 degrees, just another NorCal November 3rd. Half Moon Bay, about an hour away on the coast, was showing clear and 70 degrees. The wheels were turning...As I slurped down my second cup of coffee, I turned to my always-adventurous wife and said “doesn’t a lobster roll sound good for lunch?” Who says no to that?
We decided to head to Sam’s Chowder house, famous for lobster rolls and a great view over the Pacific, just south of Princeton Harbor about 20 miles south of San Francisco.
So which car to take??? Picked for great visibility, comfort, and fun factor, the car of choice for the day would be the 2012 McLaren MP4-12C.

The drive would take us along some great roads, and a few other people had the same idea. With the traffic, my Waze app told me to avoid Highway 92 and 35, so I detoured to Canada Rd, Sand Hill Rd, Portola Rd, and Highway 84 out to Highway 1 and up north to Princeton Harbor.
The detour onto Canada Rd took me past the reservoir and to the road section that we used in high school for drag racing back in the late 1970’s.

Sand Hill Rd is home to some of the most expensive office space in the country. But turning west, away from the VCs, takes you into the oak lined hills:

After a frustrating 20 minutes behind a delivery van up a winding Hwy 84, we sped past Alice’s Restaurant hoping for an open road. Only to get behind a guy in a brand new Aston Martin doing 25 in a 40 mph zone, for another 15 minutes, and he never used a turnout. Not wanting to kill any bike riders, I had to wait to get past him. Finally got an open road and never took another pic until we arrived at our late lunch spot, which was totally wort the wait!

The lobster roll is epic. If you go to Sam's, I suggest you order it “dressed” (mayo and salt, cold) vs “naked” (butter and salt, served warm).

I decided to have my one beer allotment early, so I could drive later...

In the parking lot, met a nice guy with his wife, dog, and 1960 Cadillac.
Sweet ride!!

After a long walk on a perfect Pillar Point beach, we headed up to Miramar Beach, Pacifica, and Rockaway Beach. A great day to drive a great car on some epic NorCal roads.

Dave, Great blog I really enjoyed reading about your automobile adventures. Are you going to roll out the cost of ownership for the MP12-C? It would be a really interesting comparison to your Aston Martin Post. Glad you are loving the cool new car.
ReplyDeleteThanks! And that is a great idea... I really should do that now that I have 5 years experience with the 12C, and it is over 50,000 miles. I know lots of people would be interested in long-term maintenance costs, because the cars are now relatively cheap to purchase (spoiler alert: the Aston is cheaper to buy and to maintain!).